
VOC Stories: Compass Family Services Transcription E 68


Episode 68: Compass Family Services

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The transcript is AI generated through Transcribe, lightly edited for names but is not exact and the audio file is the final source of content material


We find ourselves with this historical moment of do we advocate for incremental change or do we advocate to really transform our systems and, create real opportunities for people to get and maintain housing for families to earn an income that truly supports not just the housing, but all the things that children need. And how can we make investments that really lift people, experiencing homelessness out of homelessness and out of poverty and how do we break that intergenerational cycle?
— Mary Kate Bacalao,director of external affairs & policy,compass family services

1446 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94102 | (415) 626-2787


This has been an Alien Boy Production.

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