VOC Stories CFTA Summit Resources


Resources Directory

CFTA / CFA’s Arts & Culture Summit Resources Directory Materials:

What follows is the directory of resources from our co-production of California For the Arts California second annual Arts & Culture Summit in Sacramento on April 16th, 2024. The resources have been provided by the summit breakout session subject matter expert presenters/speakers.

Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speaker

Julie Baker's Opening Ceremony Slide Show Presentation

Panel One: Arts & Health 

Free “Arts on Prescription” field guide by Dr. Tasha Golden, Mass Cultural Council and University of Florida/Center for Arts in Medicine: "Arts on Prescription: A Field Guide for US Communities” 

Mentioned by Dr. Indre Viskontas: NeuroArts Blueprint "Advancing the Science of Arts, Health & Wellbeing"

Dr. Tasha Golden’s Free e-Book: "Four Big Ways to Improve Health Through The Arts" 

Additional Resources to dive into thanks to our friends at Art Pharmacy:

Panel Two: “Achieving Economic Justice Through Community Placekeeping”

Our panel guests emphasized emphasized the need for economic justice and cultural place keeping in the arts. Speakers stressed equitable resource distribution, diverse leadership, and policy support for creative entrepreneurship. We hope you’ll dive into these four reports and studies on the impact of community building through the Arts and Culture sector:

+ CLTE Impact Report - Building Community Power: A Success Story of Nonprofit Collaboration

+ The Artist-Developer - A Case Study of Impact through Art-Centered Community Development in Neighborhoods of Color by Aisha Densmore-Bey a Meyer Fellowship Paper from the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University

+ WE-Making - How Arts & Culture Unite People to Work Toward Community Well-Being - Theory of Change and Case Studies by metric arts consulting, PolicyLink and the Center for Arts in Medicine

+ Social Cohesion that Promotes Equity and Well-Being through Arts and Culture: Guidance for Research by Victor Rubin from PolicyLink


ABBA Summit Resources Directory Materials:

What follows is the directory of resources from our co-production of Arts for a Better Bay Area’s State of the Arts Summit. The resources have been provided by the summit breakout session subject matter expert presenters/speakers.

The materials are broken down into the four breakout session topics covered at the ABBA State of the Art Summit “Rebuilding Our Communities”. We will continue to add resources to the directory as we publish new episodes of the Arts and Culture series. We hope that you’ll check back into the resource directory. We’d also love to hear from you with requests for information and resources that you’re looking for and we will reach out to our speakers/presenters for help finding those resources for us.
Breakout Session Topics
Economic Recovery in the Arts
Housing for the Artist Workforce
Proposition E Updates and Discussion (general information from the 2018 campaign)
Regional Economic Recovery Through the Arts


This has been an Alien Boy Production.

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